Thursday, March 17, 2011

£150 Billion Bailout

I am a little confused about why we're having so many cuts in our services from council workers, police, nurses etc.

We have bailed out the banks to the tune of approximately £150 billion, which makes us the taxpayer majority shareholders in some banks. So my first gripe is where are our bonuses. We the taxpayer in the guise of the government have bailed out these banks. So where is our money.

If we look at it, we have put our taxpayers money as an investment in these banks to which we should at least get our initial money back. Hopefully, with profits. Then why are we having so many cutbacks in our front line services. These aren't just small cutbacks. They are drastic deep cutting slashes at our services. If we are going to get back the money we invested, it will pay off what we have borrowed to bail out the banks. Then as long as we pay the interest on the loan and this interest along with our initial investment to save the banks is returned when we sell our shares in those banks, we only need to pay the interest and we would not have to make these drastic cuts. We should be investing in the infrastructure of our country and not selling it off to foreign run corporations.

Why are we having such drastic cuts in our services.

Is this all wool over our eyes, so that in four years, when as the government predicts we will have paid off the £150 billion debt and just before the next election. The government can sell these shares with profits and say, aren't we so very clever, now we have £150 billion to invest in the country, as a bribe in the next election.

If what I have said is correct, then why haven't the Labour Party and the Newspapers investigated and made it a story

Blogger Labels: Billion,Bailout,services,council,workers,guise,government,money,investment,bail,infrastructure,wool,debt,election,haven,Labour,Newspapers,bonuses,corporations,taxpayer,aren't

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